A Teacher's Essential Companion
Listen Up!
Ideal for primary school and high school teachers
Listen Up! is a compilation of devotionals, stories and activities submitted by experienced teachers, school principals, authors, ministers, and even parents. Most of the texts can be used as is, but they can also be adapted to suit your particular needs in your school. Feel free to make adjustments where you see fit!
There are four divisions in this book:
- Primary School
- Middle School
- High School
- Staff Room
"Listen Up!" is the ultimate resource designed by teachers, for teachers. Featuring contributions from renowned children’s and YA authors alongside experienced educators, this book offers over 75 tried-and-tested ideas for assemblies, class openings, and more.
With a focus on emotional wellbeing, mental health, moral values, and contemporary social issues, "Listen Up!" caters to diverse educational needs. It's available in both English and Afrikaans, making it accessible to all educators.
Klik hier om 'n Afrikaanse dagstukkie vir laerskoolonderwysers af te laai.
Click here to download a devotional for high school teachers.